Search for tag: "emm302"

EMM302 EACMM week04 - vid03, Market microstructure: market information

Professor Giovanni Cespa, Professor of Finance discusses the market microstructure and in this video he looks at hybrid markets and market information.Exchange market structures differ across the…

From  Daniel Copley 26 plays 0  

EMM302 EACMM week04 - vid02, Market microstructure: trade activity

Professor Giovanni Cespa, Professor of Finance discusses the market microstructure and in this video he looks at orders, rules and systems.Exchange market structures differ across the world. However,…

From  Daniel Copley 29 plays 0  

EMM302 EACMM - module introduction

Professor Giovanni Cespa, Professor of Finance introduces the module.Exchange market structures differ across the world. However, they all aim at the same objective, which is to facilitate the…

From  Andrew Pryde 47 plays 0  

EMM302 T2 V3 - Diversification

18/09/2023 version: unchecked

From  Alex Herbert 24 plays 0  

EMM302 T2 V2 - Risk

18/09/2023 version: unchecked

From  Alex Herbert 18 plays 0  

EMM302 EACMM - week02-vid01 - Equity

18/09/2023 version: unchecked

From  Alex Herbert 21 plays 0  

EMM302 EACMM T1 V02 - Corporate bonds

13/09/23 version: unchecked

From  Alex Herbert 23 plays 0  

EMM302_T3_V3 - Swaps

29/08/23 version: unchecked

From  Jo Richardson 21 plays 0  

EMM302_T3_V4 - Options

29/08/23 version: unchecked

From  Jo Richardson 22 plays 0  

EMM302_T3_V2 - Futures

29/08/23 version: unchecked

From  Jo Richardson 22 plays 0  

EMM302_T3_V1 - Derivatives

29/08/23 version: unchecked

From  Jo Richardson 32 plays 0  

EMM302 EACMM T01 V01 - Bonds

21/08/23 version: unchecked

From  Alex Herbert 52 plays 0