In this video, Dr Dimitris Paraskevopoulos provides a small taste of the role analytics may play in the new normal. The focus is on three areas, i.e. Marketing and Recommendation Systems, Logistics and Transportation, and Healthcare.
The role of analytics is to enable innovative services and improve the current processes we already have in place. With a significant shift to online shopping, understanding better what the customer needs are through the use of analytics is of critical importance. Because of a shift to online shopping, there is an urgent need for efficient and effective distribution operations. Due to the high complexity of logistics problems, without analytics companies would simply be unable to operate.
Lastly, in healthcare, analytics enable us to make predictions and optimise resource allocation for improving patient outcomes and protecting the healthcare system. Analytics assist and inform our decisions; nevertheless, final decisions are still ours to make. That is why a combination of the analytics output and the experts opinion will result in enhanced outcomes.